Hi all, I’m looking for some layout ideas and wondered if anyone had some good suggestions.
I am building an N-Scale layout (I’ve had N-Scale since my first set as a young boy). My wife has set some limits on how big a layout I am allowed (and divorce is not an option to get a bigger size) so I am limited to around a 4x8x3 size layout (8’ long, 4’ deep plus a 3’ extension) in the shape of a “L”.
I really want some long runs and so have been looking for some design ideas that have some switching yards towards the front, loops in and around the main table and then an upper section likely mountains, hills and the like.
I quite liked the “Gulf Summit Lines & Susquehanna Valley” railroad from the Atlas Nine N Scale Railroads (N18) but am looking for some other ideas as well.
I have done the atlas layout and loved it and being 4 by6 you still have some Rome off the side for a rather nice yard. I had just sold my layout as I want to expand . My video is on YouTube under viperjim1 to see it in action and running 4 trains and some yard work is to say the least interesting good luck and have a great day.
The “Gulf Summit Lines & Susquehanna Valley RR” is a typical example of what is known as the “spaghetti bowl” - design. Lots of track criss-crossing the table, but without any real operation potential, other than letting a train or two circle around.
Operating such a layout will become very boring in no time at all.
A 4 by 8 is quite a large reals estate for a layout in N scale, but nowhere it is written, that every sq. inch has to be filled with track.
There are many good layout ideas around. MR ran a series on 4 by 8 track plans some time ago (2 years?). I also very much like the Androscoggin Central, as featured in the Kalmbach book “N Scale Railroading: Getting Started in the Hobby, Second Edition” by Marty McGuirk.