Looking for train orders and stuff

I’m looking for decent quality images of train orders and other vintage railroad-related documents.

Anybody know a good site somewhere on the web where I might find such stuff?




If old time is to your taste, there is a small collection of items dated from sometime at or after 1890. It’s in the Files area of the Silverton Yahho discussion group:


That will give you a blank form, front and back, plus how one was typically filled out. You need to join the list to view the files, but it’s worth a look at these and sundry other things on this low-traffic list. Proper credit needs to be given to the owner of the image, of course.

How these were used, in addition to the writing on the completed form at the link above, is provided in a spreadsheet I and other members of the Silverton list contributed to in order to document and learn from the mass of data written on these items. It’s a little lower down in the Files page, under the title “SilvertonWaybills.xls”.

While it is a small sample, it does show some interesting info about loads shipped into and out of mining country. We’d be happy for others to add to it, just send me the info you might have on your waybills, if you own any, by posting it to the list. I update this file when such info appears, but it’s been some time since any submissions arrived. [:-^]

These waybills were sold at several National Narrow Gauge Conventions in the mid- to late-1990s by a vendor who I don’t recall. We’d all like to know more about the source of these waybills, just over a century after they were printed.I hope this info is usful.

Some of the historical societies have paperwork on their sites.

Dave H.

Like this? [swg]

Gary, I thought that the buffalo were pretty much “gone” by 1926, the date on the form [?] When I was in the Army, they had a few at Ft Riles KS, but they were mostly for show (1965). The form says at “Cheyenne Station”, would that be WY? Got my curiosity goung!![%-)]

Buffalo on the track!

There’s a new event for a random event generator!

Thanks for all the pointers.



I know a person on another forum that sells them here.

Nice guy. maybe he has what you need.


Here are three samples from a book I have, dated 1900.


For more, search Yahoo.com and google.com for train order photos or pictures. I have found out many times the answer is on the 'Net so I search.


Awesome. Thanks again!