I am looking for who sells HO Scale Mcdonalds and other Fast food restaurants. I have an old Kentucky fired chicken but was wondering if there is a KFC version out now.
I don’t think that there is an official McDonalds restaurant besides a really old one (like 50’s style if I remember correctly). I haven’t seen it in ages though.
There is a Burger King that Vollmer makes. Looks pretty good. I’ve seen a KFC but I think it was a cheap Plasticville-esque building.
Keep checking on Ebay. That would probably be your best bet. I think the BK building is still being sold retail for about $50.
My LHS ordered the KFC one for someone, which is by LifeLike I think. Isn’t it in the Walthers Book?
The only thing Walthers has is a Ho Jo, White Tower, Burger King, and a few generic restaraunts and burger shacks. Life Like USED to make a KFC and McDonald’s (YEARS ago), but had to pull them off the market die to trademark infringement issues.
Do a search on Walthers for both “burger” and “rest”, and you’ll come up with a bunch of options for generic eateries.
There’s currently one McDonalds and four KFC’s on Ebay.
Have a look on E-bay you can find most things there. Joey
Thanks I was afraid of that… Ebay here I come.
I jusw in my hobby shop that walters has a B.K in there sail catalog they put out