I’m in the market for a new engine, but need a few suggestions. I want a Norfolk Southern or Norfolk & Western that has a smoke unit. I know that Lionel & MTH make these, but I’m running O27. Does anyone know if thiers will run on O27 or does someone make on that will run O27. Would it be better to start switching to O31 or O42 to open up my choices? I have noticed that there are pretty much no diesels w/ smoke units made for O27. And, how good is the quality of Williams Berk’s & O27 Hudson’s? Are they reliable? Any feedback will be appreciated.
I personally like mth best. Lionel is great quality also. I would definately get the biggest radius you can. I currently have all 42 and 54 curves. Here is a picture of my mth SD80 MAC NS. It is protosound 2, DCS command control… Good luck.
MTH has an O27 SD90MAC with PS2. I dont think it smokes though. Has loco speed control which for the price range, around $200 is a great feature. The bigger locos they make require O42 curves, and even then, a 18-20" engine has alot of overhang on curves. A compromise may be a Trainmaster in N&W livery. I have an old PS1 version and it smokes. Good-luck.
you also asked about the quality of Williams products. If you can live without the bells and whistles associated with all the sophisticated technology packed into a lot of Lionel and MTH locomotives, and will be happy with locomotives that look good, are available in a rainbow of liveries, are affordable, run well (most on O27 or O31 curves), and are backed by the only lifetime warranty in O gauge, you may be attracted to Williams products.