Looking to buy an excellent condition Lionel 2466WX tender for 675

I just purchased a Lionel Postwar 675 Pennsy steam Loco. However, I didn’t get a tender. If anyone knows where I can find a 2466WX , it would be greatly appreciated. Eventhough I’m a big Delaware & Hudson fan, I owned this Engine as a youngster and I’m starting to relive my childhood at 55. Thank you kindly. D&H Dave.

I have a few 2466WX’s. Not for sale though, but you can find them on Ebay.com very offened. About $40 each. Just an estimate. thanks, hope this helps. The 675 is a nice loco!!

I’ll check. I know I have an extra 1 0 2 tenders in that style, just not sure if they are 2466WX.
