The much-advertised slump in international trade, including in containerized goods, hasn’t shown up in the Port of Los Angeles. In a story in today’s NewsWire, the port claims a record quarter, with containers handled up 11.3 percent over last year’s first quarter.
Just an observation…South Central Kansas…AutoCarriers seem to roll in each direction, daily there seem to be several (Just this morning one came through WB with CSX as the Head-end Power )
There also seems to be an increase in TOFC traffic, as well in both directions. Stackers seem to be rolling as well; Usual customers: FedEx, JBH, UPSZ, and Ocean container trains,(Import/Export cans) as well. A couple of them, a week, seem to be ‘regulars’ with mid-train and rear-end DPU’s,
The Domestic stacks seem to be getting more, and more that have TOFC reffer trailers included in their consists: Alliance Shippers is a regular and Prime, Marten also show up pretty regularly.