Lots of false info about DCC online...

Lots of false information online about DCC …
I have recently installed an ESU V4 Micro in my HOn3 C-25 locomotive and programmed it in the Lokprogrammer.
Everything worked well there.
Then when I tested it on the track yesterday, the light flashed … and had a popping sound!?!
Also, the speed curve was completely out of whack, fast-slow-fast ???

I checked a little bit online to see what was wrong.
When it came to the flashing light, all the posts I found agreed that the LED wire had some contact with earth …
So, the remedy according to them was to redo it… [*-)]
However, there were many different theories on the speed curve … Everything from the wrong drive step to a faulty motor(?).

After reading the manual a few more times, I came to the conclusion that the error should be that the decoder was not set to select drive steps automatically, which was easily corrected (check a box in the Lokprogrammer), and then the light worked perfectly. [:D]

The speed ​​curve on the other hand … Tested an auto configuration of the engine via CV 54 (value 0 & then press F1 and see the locomotive run away as shot from a cannon for a few feet and then press F1 again).
It made no difference. [:S]

Then I tried to change the starting CV (CV2) to 4 instead of 1, and look and behold, now it worked perfectly! [:D]

If I had listened to the “Internet professionals”, I would have changed the LED without any benefit and in the worst case changed the motor…
So the bottom line is that you should read the flaming manual and test various things yourself by changing ONE thing at a time until you find a solution or answer.

Actually many different experiences by different people. They cannot see exactly what you are experiencing.

When you pull a shell on a DCC loco you should have some knowledge of DCC and there is no earth or ground on a decoder. Only DCC, plus and minus DC. No loose wires either.

Nice rant though.


All the same, there’s a LOT of unverified unempiric “facts” out there.

And if it would have been many different experience by many people, there should have been a certain variety in the solutions… More like a wandering “truth” on the problem.

I have installed over 100 decoders since I started running DCC back in 98. So I have some ideas on how it works, the “earth” remark was a direct quote from the web…

A rant it may be, but I hope it may help some.

As someone who is familiar with DCC but still uses DC, has an electrical and electronics background, and has been at this controlling model trains with electricity thing for about 50 years now, I can tell you there is a lot of false information out there about DC as well…welcome to the information age…


Want some real entertaining information ? Join a few of the Facebook Groups for model trains and / or DCC. Suddenly everyone is a self proclaimed expert and will argue endlessly about your correct information that is completely wrong and will never work ! It’s a wonder ANY newcomer to the hobby carries on for any length of time …


The internet is full of false information.


I am an expert at one thing, and that is how I make my living. It amazes me how much false information there is out there about the product I support.




You need to take free information for what you pay for it. Everyone has different experiences and many don’t actually understand someone’s question or position so give erroneous info. Best bet is to always contact the mfgr of the system you’re using.


if it’s on the internet, it must be true …:slight_smile:

The problem with that oft stated proposition is that it is based upon a false premise.

Actually, the Internet is filled with good factual information, but you need to know where to look for it and what sites to rely upon.

I will give you a few examples. One is health care. If you look on reliable sites like the National Institutes of Health (NIH) or the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), you are going to get reliable information. But, if you rely on sites like Quora or Ask, you are taking your chances.

Another example is my favorite outdoor pasttime, golf. If you wonder why your drives slice badly to the right, you can get reliable information on websites like Golf Digest or PGA. Or, you can take your chances and go to websites like The Sand Trap or Golf Wrx.

So, what’s the difference? Some websites are authored by professionals in their chosen field, while others are blogs or forums where opinions, not facts, are all that matter. Everyone has an opportunity to chime in whether they know what they are talking about or not. Anyone searching a website for information should take that information and double check it with reliable sources before acting upon it.

Now, take model railroading. Our Trains forum is a good example. Ask a technical question and you will get all kinds of information, both good and bad and everything in between. A lot of so-called “information” is nothing more than opinion or speculation. Forum members with no experience with the issue at hand cannot resist commenting anyhow. So, you need to know who can be relied upon for good advice before acting on it.

As I say, the Internet is filled with good factual information. You just need to know where to look for it and who to rely upon for good advice.


Online information - be it “breaking news”, opinions, how to’s, or gossip is a blessing and/or a curse.

Speaking just to the “how to’s”, most of the information and youtube videos I’ve seen have proven to be helpful. Of course the key word here is “most”. And determining what is helpful or not is often the tricky part.

How about…when in doubt, call or email the manufacturer regarding their product? This way, you don’t have to trust the internet!! [;)]

Always RTFM. (Read the Manual)

Also, the Internet is like panning for gold in an open sewer. You will find the occasional nugget of great value, but you have to wade through a lot of **** to get there.

I think it depends on the source Just remember the line from the movie War Games

General you are listening to a machine. Do the world a favor and do not become one yourself

Sure there is wrong info out there but many times it is the right info for a particular situation but not yours even though the symtems may be the same, just ask a doctor. In railroading mode, I have seen many people do the same thing but have extreame results from one side to the other. Sometime the difference is the humity that day or a brand difference or a date stamp (Modelflex comes to mind).