Lou Palumbo on saving the boxes

I save all my engine boxes, for it is easier to transport engines this way. As far as rolling stock boxes, I keep all my older boxes and the more expensive rolling stock boxes. The cheaper stuff I have thrown out. All set boxes I have kept also.


Well, I think it’s incredibly foolish to simply destroy the boxes, but since they’re your boxes, I guess you can do with them what you please. [*-)]

A lot of the boxes can be collapsed to take very little space as well. I guess I’m not nearly as good at predicting the future as you are, so I plan for contingencies. The boxes add value to the collection, and you never know when that value might come in handy.

My last post on this topic, since it sounds like your mind is already made up, so I don’t want to confuse you with additional choices. [(-D]

Yes I save my boxes but it is a LOVE-HATE relationship I have with them. [banghead]

Most of my trains are postwar and the boxes are long gone but all of my newer stuff and diecast boxes I keep. [*-)]


Those diecast boxes can take up a lot of space, since you can’t collapse them. And they’re so much heavier than the paper ones…:wink:

Boxes are good for storing an item and since I do not run or display all of my collection at any one time I use the box for that purpose, nothing more. Much of my collection does not have any original boxes but I have taken regular cardboard boxes that paper comes in, made dividers and store my trains that way. I personally see no value to a box other than offering protection for the contents. I actually hate the new locomotive boxes from Lionel that have inches of styrofoam around the contents. They take up far to much room.