Louis Ertz O scale railroad

Does anyone remember the MR article on this railroad in 1987 and does anyone know if any vidoes were made of this layout?

The Model Railroader was my father. The magazine date was October 1987. He also appeared in O Scale Trains in the September 2002 4th addition. You may view his trains at West Tennessee Central Railroad or you may look to find West Tennessee Central Railroad Photos by John Coffin. The later is put in slide show form. The other one is pictures that you change your self. I hope this helps you. There have been videos made of the trains and the layout. I do not own them. Hope this helps, Susan

Please write me back if you get my answer to your question. My daddy past away in September 2007. We all certainly miss him. We are trying hard to keep his railroad intact. My mother though has sold almost all the trains and is talking about tearing out the room. We ( 5 Children) are hoping to donate the room to a museum after her death. There is so much history in this room. Please view the slides! Daddy did so much more work on it after it 1st appeared in Model Railroader. Merry Christmas, Susan

O Gauge Raikroading has a video that includes the Ertz layout.

