I have a train engine that runs great, but backwards. Any suggestions? tks
First welcome to the forum! Sounds like the reversing unit is stuck. You could try tapping on the top of locomotive body with the handle of a screwdriver and see if that frees up the unit. Don’t be afraid to wack it a tad. Then the thing would probably be stuck in foward only. Keep tapping and keep re-applying power to the unit and you might get things working a little better. Really it would be best to disassemble the locomotive to get at the reversing unit. A shot of silicone spray into the reversing unit would help then.
If you go to http://groups.yahoo.com/group/MarxTrain/ and search under reverse unit you’ll find more information.
Marxalot may have it. Also try the link below. See the section on Marx motors, especially the pics and the final paragraph of the text regarding proplems with e-units, aka directional controls or reversing units. It’s under “Busting out a motor.”:
Both of the sites Jim and Wolverine mentioned have good information.
Once you get it running in forward let it run a good 10 minutes, then try running it backwards again. Sometimes it can take some time for these older engines to get used to running again.
thank you everyone. train up and running in forward. jr