Made a lot of progress on the railroad today!!

Hey guys!!! today me and my friend (csxtrains23) worked on my layout we layed a siding in the yard, Keith tor up and relayed a siding in the yard, He laso layed mainline 1.[:)] I did some touch up work on the track. in the morning we will be headed right back down to the basement[:D] I can not thank Kieth enough but will try to repay him by hepling him with his scenery. We definetly made some serious progress. Tim

Gotta love that progress. Every little success is that much closer to running trains.

Good work! I got some progress today also, I got some wiring for points very close to operation.

How are you approaching the building? I have basically put down track and put in point motors with the wires just hanging down. Now I am just wiring it all up to the control panel!

yes now i can run trains in a circle. Redwood yard is 80% done but not wired cant wait tell my dad gets me my door so i can start the other part!! but for now i will continue work on part number 1

I know the feeling.

I am laying track then putting in the wires like the are just hanging down hopefully in the next 1-2 weeks i will get the control panel up and running. after done track work and wiring i will put down ground foam then ballast the rails, get my roads in add a lot of trees/ track structers like signals. then the building for the towns/industeries. Tim

It’s nice to get help from a friend once in a while. I get bummed out being the only one in my family that likes trains.

I’m in the same boat as Loather, no one else likes the same stuff as i do. I wouldnt mind a little help once in a while. I have a 22 yearold son, you think he would give me a hand with anything. Yeah Right.

Tom- that sucks
swp7776-that also sucks.
both of you be sure to have fun with your layouts though[:D]

I found that the more I progressed with my layout the faster things started to get done.

I had the week between Christmas and New Years mostly off and got to work a little each day. Here is what I accomplished:

*finished 2 sets of bridge piers I’ve been working on, installed them, test fit the completed bridges, and build up the plaster scenery around them.
*cut 2 more sets of bridge piers, painted them, installed them, test fit bridges, and built up plaster scenery around them.
*put the finish layer of plaster on a large area of scenery. This leaves only one more session (an hour or so) of finish plaster work left on the layout.
*installed the 8 switches I got for Christmas in my major yard. I only need 5 more switches to complete this yard.
*ran a couple of trains.
*Painted aboout 12 feet of backdrop (sky and clouds).

All of this made a HUGE difference in the progress and overall look of the layout.


in case you guys were wondering- Redwood yard is called so because my frieght station is called Redwood. Yesterday i went down and layed mainline 2 and a siding. today i am going to lay another siding and do some touch up work on the mainlines. Dave-me to now that i have done a lot on the layout i am finding that I want to keep going. Tim