Mail and express train operations

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Mail and express train operations

Very interesting info on the workings of dedicated mail/express trains.

Mail, news from other towns. Baby chickens were at the depot in the spring with lots of chirps and the people would pick the chicks up for summer eggs etc. Jim Hediger will be missed because of the good articles and the way he wrote them.than Thank You…

Question: You say RPO cars “usually” stayed on the home road, but how about in the case of name trains that ran over several railroads? For example, would an L&N Georgian/Hummingbird have a C&EI RPO only on the Chicago-Evansville leg and change out at Evansville, or would it be a pool car that could be C&EI, L&N or NC&StL RPO? If you can find an answer, please e-mail me at–John Hammond