Mail car

I’m not sure but this question may have been posted before, and I missed it., anyway here goes. does anyone know of a mfg. that makes a mail car in N . I have RPO’s and combines but I don’t recall ever seeing a mail car.


Ummm. Not sure exactly what you’re looking for, but an RPO (Railway Post Office) is a mail car… And as far as makers go, Con-Cor would be a good place to start.


As mentioned above, a RPO would definately be considered a “mail car”, and railroads would also sometimes refer to baggage cars as “mail/storage” cars. How about a better description of what you are looking for??

He could also be asking about Express Box cars. In which case Con-Cor or Micro-Trains would be a good place to start.


Thanks all
Found what i was looking for.