Make way for oil!

An observation:

We get carloads of lumber from the Pacific Northwest. They used to be routed accross Washington, Idaho, Montana, North Dakota, and far western Minnesota to Wilmar. From Wilmar, they would ship south and a bit west to us in south eastern South Dakota.

Now, the same carloads go further south. They ship through Utah, Wyoming, Nebraska, far western Iowa, and then far western Minnesota up to Wilmar. Then, they ship back south and west to us. This has to add a lot of miles to the trip, but I suppose it keeps our onsey-twosy cars from getting in the way of unit oil trains.


Look at the freight bill. I think your buyer is buying from a UP served mill. That is the only reason I can think for Utah in the route.


Same rate, or higher to reflect the additional mileage (“circuitry”) ?