You can purchase OOPS colors from Lowes or home depot and make them the color YOU WANT. Start with a close color to what you want, put some in a container and then add TINT to the color. The tint is ANY brand water based artiest colors.
A little trick is latex type clear coating, have to ask for it in a paint store, then add your own color to it. The raw colors that are required for any color in the world are:
Ochre, raw umber, greem, blue, red, red oxide,brown,yellow,black,magenta and white. This will allow you to blend any color.
We make all our own colors for everything at a fraction of the cost of buying gallons of paint.
Remember that thinned paint is batter than out of the can for what we do.
Take care
George P.
Thanks for that tip – I’ll have to check Home Depot on my next trip. I have never heard of this brand of paint, but it sounds like a very good idea.
Lowes will mix colors for you allso,I had an earth color done by them to cover my board not bad at all!!!
I could of used more coats but???
Not a brand but the paints that someone did not like and returned. I cheat I make my own [:D] our dye works great on anything that is pourous. Thinking of making a line of scenic paints for rail roads.