Many CHI Amtrak trains not cancelled but very late out of CHI 9/19 late afternoon

Lumber street draw bridge south of Union Station failed around 1600. Fixed around 2015 -2035.This is the one over Chicago river. All but 1 Michigan (364 5 hours late lost 5 hrs south of station). Cardinal cancelled might have been HOS… CNO, LSL, Capitol, & Illinois trains left very late.

It is not like that the trains can use the Aitr Line. All the locos on wrong end with no way to turn them quickly when bridge out of sevice, Now if Amtrak had enough spare locos some trains could have used the air line.

This incident could have lasted much longer. It shows the proposal to have a direct connection from Union Station to Air line needs completing. But that connection will require a different operating draw bridge. IMO two different routes to the south and east from Union station is desireable. All T&E fully qualified. As well connections to / from both routes at Grand crossing is only way either route can be used by any train.

Two routes over the South Branch of the Chicago River may be desirable but it’s going to be a while before it will happen. The existing route over the South Branch Bridge is the only Amtrak route available now. The St. Charles Air Line has not been in service for a while now and its bridge is not currently manned and is in the raised position. The only other route that might be available utilizes the former CR&I and has been used for detours on Metra’s Southwest Service.