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MARC Penn Line to offer weekend service
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MARC Penn Line to offer weekend service
They’ve come a long way from the pre-MARC days of two trains a day each way… Way to go MARC!
as usaul they are taking care of the blacks in md . no service up to perryvile. they are screwing the people who pay the most to ride marc trains again in harford country . typpical libtard goverment agency . I live 3 minutes away from edgewood station and these clowns are going to make me frive 45 minutes into baltimore to get a damn train into d c on the wknd. wheres the common sense in that? anyone?
Wasting time and revenue if they don’t go to Perryville Md.
there are people in Cecil Co and Delaware that would use the service if they went to Perryville or better yet, to Newark Del like they have been talking about for the last 5 yrs !!!
Hope at some point they expand the Brunswick line on the weekends would be nice to go into DC from Frederick on a weekend via MARC to sight see or do some shopping
How about weekend trips all the way to Perryville? Or on the Camden line or the Brunswick line?
Matt, you have summarized the insanity of politically motivated government policy in the U.S. today. Pander to the best organized voting blocks.
It is about time and I agree with the others that the trains should go to the North. I think all the way to Wilmington, DE. It would produce a seamless commuter rail ride from DC up North.
It is about time and I agree with the others that the trains should go to the North. I think all the way to Wilmington, DE. It would produce a seamless commuter rail ride from DC up North.