MARC's problems

Date: May 17, 2018 at 3:46:14 PM EDT
To: “MTA Maryland Alerts Subscriber” <>
Subject: Limited Brunswick Line service to continue on Friday, full details:

The Brunswick Line will continue to operate on a modified schedule on Friday, May 18 due to ongoing weather-related problems on the railroad west of Point of Rocks. CSX reports that work continues on the track washout between Point of Rocks and Brunswick, however another problem has developed with a mudslide west of Brunswick. Additional infrastructure problems are likely given tomorrow’s forecast for even more intense rain.

In addition, MARC management has made the decision to remove all locomotives and railcars from the storage yard in Brunswick. The Brunswick storage yard is susceptible to flooding and given the rain we have had and the rain that is predicted, we must safeguard our locomotives and cars – including two of our brand-new Charger locomotives. This will prevent major damage that would render our cars and locomotives unusable for 6-8 months, if not longer, and allow us to restore full service more quickly when the water recedes. Removing equipment from Brunswick means that in the short term, Brunswick Line service will continue to be limited, even when CSX is able to physically restore the track.

There will be no Brunswick Line service at Martinsburg, Duffields, Harpers Ferry, or Brunswick stations. There will be limited service at Point of Rocks.

Passengers should note that capacity will be limited versus normal Brunswick Line service. Not only do we have four less trainsets to operate, but three of the four trainsets that are stranded in Brunswick and Martinsburg are larger (5 or 6

Frederick County MD has been innundated with a rain amount that is quickly approaching 1 foot to date this week. Additional rains in the Potomac and Shenandoah River watersheds are creating issues with the Potomac from Harpers Ferry to the Chesapeake Bay.

Bus Alternitives?

Some were offered - I have no idea how many or how effective they have been.

Full servce was restored for the Monday evening rush and subsequent days.