Marriage Busting Railroads Are To Be Pitied

Railroads tend to overwork their train crews, and often do not allow married people to be married people. The strain on marriages must be unbelievable. But, it is NOT all the railroads’ fault. Neither is it the fault of employees. The problem universally lies with economic systems. Politicians have discovered that to preserve their own political careers and power, they must take actions that please the masses in the short term but are mathematically destructive in the long term. For that reason railroad marriages – and marriages everywhere – are so increasingly going on the rocks. Historically, when a nation sends marriage the way of the dinosaur, it itself goes the way of the dinosaur. But, I perceive railroads as having a rare, untapped opportunity to circumvent the dark side of economics simply by greatly increasing the average speed of railcars in transit, and in the process, save railroaders’ marriages. The whole economy could benefit, phenomenally so even for the trucking industry. It is an untapped opportunity to be seized!

you say you perceive the with an untapped opportunity… where, or when, did you perceive with compassion to do anything towards making life easier for its workers?

if you could assess a list of things that a r.r. does in connection with its workers, esp. crews, you would see that virtually every act is regulated by federal law, state law or union rules… there is no ‘good-hearted’ factor at work here… there is no ‘we do this because we care…’ it’s all ‘we do this as mandated by statute or union agreement…’

why is it this way? because really don’t care, is why… did not innovate the idea of safety on-the-job… this was mandated by govt. due to accidents involving hundreds of lives (workers & pass.), one worker’s life, or a limb… initially resisted the idea of westinghouse’s air brake system, why? take a guess… it cost the $$ to equip every car and create a system for providing air pressure to the system… have fought practically every improvement to industry safety because of $$$! $$ to design a new system, design the hardware, test it, implement it, train workers to use it, get it approved by the govt…

now you want the to adapt their system to improve the longevity of marriage? hey, nobody put a gun to any applicant’s head to join the r.r… nowadays warn applicants in employment ads not to expect a 9-to-5 job… in several paragraphs, ads for r.r. crew jobs describe the life lifestyle, and it is rough, as you must know by asking for marriage help…

if you are hoping to preserve marriages among those who would work with a train crew, the best thing to do is to advise them not to marry before or after they start working for the r.r., or find another career…

people ask me why I don’t work for a railroad.It’s simple if you want a family life the guys I’ve talked to say don’t work here.
stay safe

Same here.
Brian (KY)

this is the biggest load of junk i ever read. to have a life with the railroad is no differant thatn any other job. why is railroaders life so stessed is greed. this is the only job in which you can make great money for the amount of work you do. and once you have some senority you can get jobs with weekends off. yes there is new hires who are holding jobs like this. its what you make of it. the new guys think that they should have a 9-5 job with weekends off. transportation never stops and goods must go. this is what you hired on for they tell you this in the hiring sessions. but most people dont want to hear this. and i say if they dont want to do thier jobs then quit or let the railroad fire you. dont keep a man who wants to work from working.

Not all railroad employees work long hours or strange shifts because of greed. If you’re on the road, anything can happen out there, and you’ll be away from home a lot longer than you care to be.

I’m one of the lucky ones…my railroad job seldom goes more than 40 hours a week. My hours and off days don’t coincide with those of the civilized world, but we’ve made it work for us. I have over 30 years’ seniority with both (wife and railroad) and things are just hunky-dory.

mr j,

let’s take a closer look at your comments about the r.r. lifestyle… your second sentence says, a life with the r.r. is no different than any other job… new guys think they should have a job 9-5 w/weekends off… transporation never stops and goods must go…

what is wrong with this summary?

j says r.r.-ing is like any other job… really j?

mr j,

let’s take a closer look at your comments about the r.r. lifestyle… your second sentence says, a life with the r.r. is no different than any other job…

midway in your letter: new guys think they should have a job 9-5 w/weekends off… transporation never stops and goods must go…

forum readers,
what is wrong with this summary? can you find a sentence that doesn’t contradict another sentence?

‘mr j’ says r.r.-ing is like any other job… really mr j?
is it like any 9-5 job… was that a ‘yes’ or ‘no’?

transportation never stops, goods must go… right on, mr j, but people still have lives away from work… at least, those not working for do…

i work 4-12, 40 hrs./wk… no call-outs, no weekends, no unexpected OT unless someone calls in sick among my co-workers, who number 6, total…

exactly what do you mean ‘it’s like any other jpb’? do you mean any crew job on any r.r. is like any other crew job on any other r.r.?

i’m not subject to seniority, furloughs, downgrades, transfers or helping my employer ‘protect’ positions in a specified division…

i hope you return, mr j, 'cause i really need you to explain if r.r.-ing is like any other job, or if it isn’t…

one more thing, mr j, about the people who are, according to you, stressed r.r workers because of greed… if they are so full of greed, why stay with the r.r.? i believe a r.r. crewman reading your comments would be surprised to learn that his stressed home life, his absence from numerous family occasions, his missing seeing his children grow up and his wife grow old, was due to his greed… i’m betting he would say it had to do with umpteen years on the extra board… but, as you are a r.r. veteran (you are, aren’t you, mr j?), i’m sure you have the real story… right mr j?

Congratulations Sir!
My wife and I work third shift.
you don’t hear about people being married that long anymore.I have been married for 9 years and hope for many many many more.
stay safe

You seem to be attacking the dreaded extra board. the extra board is a great job. You are not stuck at just one job you get a smorgasboard of differant jobs. and if you want to you have the right to claim vacancies, (vacation new jobs etc.) the railroad is like any other job meaning its what you put into it and it is like any other transportation job. the hours are long and the maybe not the time you want to go to work but when the need arises you haft to go. the extra board is not just for the new guys there are guys who work the extra board couse they choose to. If the home life is getting stressed it is becouse the wife thinks he should be home. the money to be made railroading is easy money.but if a man wants off then mark off its that simple. See you are one of those guys who think in terms of 8 hour days and dont relize that the railroad was never set to this. Most everyone who has a gripe about the railroad working hours are the new guys.

but now lets reanilize your imput. i said it is like any other job ( meaning transportation. but can be like any other job.) in that you get out of it what you put in it. The railroad has set jobs with set hours no calls you show up. then there are jobs where you wait for the phone to ring. and go to work. i dont and never have had a problem with either of these jobs you know what you are going to catch so you rest or play accordingly. there is no suprise. People on the railroad have lives to. amd its the ones who learn how to have fun on the time they have off dont seem to complain. the more years you get in the more you learn.

I dont knnow what you mean by downgrades. but on the rail i work for you dont have transfers, as far as furloughs go when things slow down then people are furlough just like the 9-5 people who get layed off. whats the differance here. you make it sound like the railroad is the only ones who lay people off. and protect a position. thats a new one. the extra board is a job to protect jobs. and non union people dont unders

Hey joe if you want to you can make it work. congrates to the 33 year man i dont remeber his name but i have been married 23 years. and i know cabforrward is going to come at me again. railroading can be fun and all jobs are good some are just better than others. i dont always get the 8 hr jobs dont want them i rather have the road jobs more fun better pay.

I agree with J

Last year during the summer i worked 72 hours a week…


And look at my relationship

It’s been going strong now for several years

Intern, how your relationship does IS NOT dependant on what the job you have… It’s actually how well one can handel a job and a relationship at the same time.

So please, Don’t try to tell me that the railroad buysts marrages… Anyone whose anyone (J) knows thais isn’t true… if your strong… you can have a Job and a Girlfriend at the same time.

If anyone here uses the “:railroad” as an excuse for a failed relationship, you may want your head banging together, for it is not the railraod that made your relationship fail…

it’s you.

Detour kev.

Guys,if you are tied to your wifes apron string then I suggest not hiring out on the railroad…

Now ask yourself this question…A wife that doesn’t back her husband in his line of work regardless of the type he does then what good is she? None what so ever as she becomes a hinderance to her husband by whining all the time…Perhaps she is so immature that she doesn’t trust her husband out of her sight…Perhaps it could be the other way around.The husband doesn’t trust his wife and therefore becomes the whinner about being away from home…
Perhaps it is time for MAN to return to being MAN and not a whimp…

Wabash, you’re right…the road jobs do pay a lot better than what I’m getting. I used to take a trip now and then, and it’s a fascinating way to earn your pay (I don’t know about “more fun”, but it’s definitely different fun!). However, I’m glad to be able to come home every night. Railfan that I am, I still value my time away from the job…even if it’s spent on sites like these and researching various aspects of rail history or whatever.

gee, it’s a humble and simplistic breed of r.r.-er on-the-job, nowadays!!

anyone fails at anything, ha!-- their fault!

you guys were born with this philosophy or was it taught in r.r. school?

any occupation which has a long line of applicants waiting to get in will certainly have a percentage of disappointed persons who didn’t make the grade:

some can’t meet the minimal vision or color-vision requirements;

some have back problems, possibly unknown to them, and cannot meet the weight-lifting requirements…

for each standard that must be met, there will be some who cannot meet that standard… it does not have be anyone’s ‘fault’, and there is no blame to be put on anyone…

when you have been working at an occupation which is the ambition of many (fireman, policeman, teacher, r.r. crewman), it is comforting to know you have something that many others also want very much…

to demean those who fail is truly a cheap shot and arrogant… you have the job you want, while many others can only hope for it… now you dump guilt on them for their failure? how can you blame someone for their lack of vision, or their lack of color-discrimination?

you’re thinking they wanted this? you think someone with a bad back, which they weren’t aware of beforehand, should have picked a better spine?

the next time you pursue a goal which involves time, effort, inconvenience to your schedule and family and changes in financial priorities, only to fail in the end, post it in the forum and tell us how it was all your fault…

fail the test for engineer?
ha!-- tough! your fault!

transferred to another location?
ha! – tough! your fault!

lost seniority due to rcl?
ha! – tough! your fault!

pushed down to extra board when someone transfers from another location?
ha! – tough! your fault!

on-the-job injury?
ha! – tough! you

Cab,Everything you stated can and will apply to every line of work…Not just railroads…Look at the Trucking industry…Now there is the uncaring companies…

well, ho-ho-ho!

now it’s time to change the subject-- gee, cutting a little too close to the quick, am i mr larry? the sign of a good politician, you’ll probably be elected to something someday… but stay off the reform ticket, you’re not the type…

now you say well, yeah, actually we do these things, but so does everybody else…
golly, so, if i can just find someone else who is committing the same sort of crime i want to commit, then i can say, well, gee, he did it!

if we extend this proposition, where does it take us? where does it stop?

my neigbor beat up his girlfriend, she cheated on him… hey, me too! i want in on that!

i see shoplifting, just a 20oz. bottle of coke, hey, that’s cool, i want in on that!

dui-- fri. nite, one too many… crossed the line… totaled a van with a family of four… hey, me too! i drink some and hit things, but it’s not my fault! all i wanted was a good time!

well, actually, it is my fault, according to mr detour kevin, mr j, mr larry,, but not every time! only when others are doing it, puh-leeze!

dont get me wrong i enjoy my time at home. and wouldnt give it up for anything but i love my job also. I am truely one of those guys dont hate going to work. but at the end of my shift it is time to go home and i dont want to hear a train for at least 10 hrs and when on vacation i dont want to see a train.

my you are touchy. but if this is the way you feel then so be it but it depends on the company you hire into depends if these things hold true. so lets exam the statement you make.

if someone fails it is their fault how do i have anything to do with it. none if someone has a back problem they should know about it its not natural not to be able to lift something with out pain or be mobile enough to do anything. but i guess it is the railroaders fault that we didnt lift it for them. vision requirments if you get corrected 20/20 with glasses your in. no problem just you need to see colors if your color blind you know this before going. i dont remeber anyone demeaning anyone for not being able to get a job with the railroad. or seeing anyone else doing it.

now to get right to your quips fail the engineer exam yes it is there fault you have the answers before you go in. just got to study and if you fail the first time the second time is open book fail it then and yes it is your fault.

in the company i work for there is no transfers. unless you want to go on your own. you say lose senority due to remote controls not possible it goes in senority order so the young men who have it now if jobs are cut do to the remotes they young guys lose their jobs not senority guys. extra board is what you make of it you can get time off on weekdays and work weekends but most who work extra boards here where i am do it cause they want to. not everything is a bowl of cherries . I have had several new supervisors i dont like but i dont get around them so it dont matter. on the job injuries well i wont go there. nothing to say and nothing funny about that. now you said people was belly aching ive only seen you do that, and then calling people names and then still crying to the form director about it. grow up cab forward or backwords which ever you are.

wow… Crabforward is really off his rocker…

you crabbie… ARE YUO STONED? your answers to larry was completely unmerrited

OH AND LOOK AT THIS!!! you want a G FORGUM? then what the is this??


EAt your own words… my you have a short memory… you got quite mad at me for saying soemthing jsut like that…
Pot calling the kettle black there.

all cabforward does is moan, whine and complain… … get a life.

Detour Kev…

oh…and your answers are blown way out of perportion…