Marx 1404 Block Signal

I recently bought a Marx 1404 Block Signal via E-Bay.

This is quite the Block Signal as it is large enough to be at home on a standard gauge layout.
The signal itself reminds me of ones used on the PRSL up to the early 80’s.

That said, it has a built in “lock on” to provide power to it, as welll as the track clip to provide
the trip to change the signal.

3 wires lead into the lock-on from the signal itself.

Does anyone know how I can wire this direct to my Accessorie bus wires so I am not relying on track power ??



Look at the lockon, the wire going to the center rail would be the one you want.

If you do this, don’t leave a train sitting on the track clip as the coil will overheat. they were designed for the 10/12 volts that Marx engines ran on.