Marx Show & Tell Video - York

First time I have seen anything that comes close to picturing what goes on at the Marx Show & Tell, each York.

Each show you can expect 75 folks (or so) participating. It really is a fun time. Surrounding the room are tables at which those who will display are called upon to describe their “treasure”. From the simple to the complex. Hosted by John Fox who does a masterful job of emceeing. You can expect 20 to 30 presenters. Can be Marx trains or toys which is the focus.

This video really does a first class job:

It is one very unique and worthwhile event which is held Thursday evening.

Very best,

Mike Spanier
Lionel Super “O” Track is always being BOUGHT & SOLD

Very nice thank you for sharing.


Way cool , thanks for posting this, I enjoyed it. That convinced me to be there next year or be square.

Heinz Pickle car? Cool.

Totally enjoyed it! Thank you


Got scared there for a minute all those plugs in the 2 strips and all the wires just running loose ( sorry had to say it )

Great video thou loved it. and when i get my layout up probably look about the same with he plugs lol.

Thanks for sharing, as some of us will never get there in person qand this was the next best thing!

Finally got to see it. Nice!