marx trains

saturday march 8 i purchesed a marx train for $15.00 the locomotive is in fair shape and runs it is a union pacific switcher #1666 2-4-2 some of the metal has slight rust it came with a tender and a auto rack. all in fair shape with slight rust. dose any body know how many freght cars and what kind and road name? and the value of it. this aint my first train i have a ives and a lionel and a couple of HO trains. thank you farmall kid

Welcome to the forum,

Marx included the 1666 steam engine in many set. The 1666 is the cheaper plastic version of Marx’s #666 die-cast steamer. Both the 1666 and the 666 could come with or without smoke. The 1666 was matched up with many different tenders labled for various railroads. Since your tender is a UP and you have an auto carrier, it could be a Marx 50875 Steam Freight Set. This set would have a 1666 2-4-2 black plastic engine with smoke, a #961 UP black plastic sloped tender, #51100 Southern Maroon auto carrier, #51170 Erie Blue and White Gondola, #43461 Pacific Fruit Express white and red reffer car, and a #3900 Union Pacific orange caboose.

As to value, ebay may be a good source to identify current value. My 1991 Greenberg Guide to Marx Sets indicates the above set with set box track and transformer had a value of $40 in Good condition and $75 in excellent condition.

I hope this information helps.


Tim Pignatari

I recently received a Marx train set. I am trying to find the value of this set. The set number on the outside of the box is 9066w. The engine and cars are tin. One has squaw bonnet on it, two are marked omaha, a rea car and the engine. Any help is appreciated.

Algonquin: There’s another post here on Marx trains from Train Chick, who is looking for some information on a Marline set from the '50’s. I tried to help her, since it sounds like a set I had when I was a kid, but I don’t know that I was able to be of much assistance. You sound like you know Marx pretty well. You might check the posts and see if you can help her, okay? Thanks

That sounds like a Union Pacific M-10005 set. This set came in different colours. It was sold in yellow with brown roofs, pale yellow with green roofs or silver with red roofs. This set was also sold in wind-up and electric versions. With these different variations, the values can vary, but generally the engines can range from $20-$60, depending which one they are and their condition. The Omaha and Squaw Bonnet cars can range from $15-$40 each. The REA car is worth more and can range from $30-$70.