I’m getting ready to paint my mill switcher (walthers SW-1) and was wondering how to mask a curved line. Here’s the paint scheme so you know what I mean.
I’d draw the curve exactly as I want it on a piece of thin styrene, and then cut along the line. Trim and sand the curved styrene until it’s exactly the way you want it. Then use the styrene as a guide to cut a piece of blue painters’ tape.
One of the biggest problems with designing and masking a curve is the “both sides identical” problem. Here’s a trick I’ve used: Start with a sheet of .010" styrene, big enough to draw the curve on. Cover BOTH sides of the sheet with masking tape (I use 3M #230 Drafting Tape). Draw your curve on one side of the taped styrene. Then cut the curve out of the syrene, with scissors or a hobby knife. Now you can transfer the tape from the styrene to the model. With one on each side of the styrene you’ve got a pair of symmetrical masks. And, you can use the styrene for future tape masks for other locos. Check the picture of FHN #2314 on my web page for an example of one I did this way. (It’s a B/W picture but the loco is in the same colors as your scheme.)
Take a piece of blue painters tape and stick it to your shirt then peel it off and set onto cutting surface. This will prevent it from removing the paint when you take it off the locomotive.
Using a compass, mark the curve you’d like and then cut out with an exacto knife.
Peel and apply the masking tape to the locomotive, using a small pencil eraser to “seal” it onto the body’s details.
I have used a paint on masking product very successfull. It is a gel type material that you paint on the area you want to mask. It dries into a clear mask.
Then you make the template out of something that will follow the contour if there is any. Just follow the template very carefully with a single edge razor blade, When done, use the corner of the blade to peel off the mask where you want to paint. The advantage is that this material prevents any bleeding of paint under it so you get a perfect edge every time. I think it is available at MicroMark