Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority outlines possible fare hikes, service cuts

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Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority outlines possible fare hikes, service cuts

Does Metra know that the MBTA is using their trains (photo)? That could help keep costs down!

Nice that they use a METX locomotive to represent a MTBA article. Please double check the photos you intend to post with articles for accuracy.

This is a Metra picture.

Hmmmmmmmmm, METRA F-40 and gallery cars in Boston; GOOD JOB TRAINS…once again!!!

I hope they don’t end the weekend service. I regularly use the MBTA commuter rail services as part of my weekend commute between boarding school and home.

In a word, “Unions”.

When is the USA going start operating trains for the 21st centuary. On-board operations are rooted in the 19th centuary, locomotive and rakes of coaches, overmanned and labor intensive, with staff calling stations, opening doors, setting out steps, herding passengers, issuing and checking tickets. How about mutiple units that can be easily tailored to passenger loads off peak, high level platforms, automatic doors & destination indicators, station & on board ticket machines, roving inspectors , one or two man operation?

In a phrase "debt service on the ‘BIG DIG’ " -from which transit got zippo, not even a north south rail link.

Ok, if this is a Metra picture, what part of Chicago do they run the big, black letter T on a blazing white background on?? Because every time I drive through Boston, I see that symbol on every “T” locomotive I pass…

Yes these MBTA (MBCR) trains are heavily manned. There are at least three people collecting only about 800 to 1000 fares in 17 stops. Should cut them back to one man per 1,000 passengers. Dam Union people. And they complain when they get assaulted by the drunks and irate passengers. What a racket. Wish I didn’t put in 33 years in. Nice trips to hospital when you got clobbered.

With the price of gasoline constantly rising; possibly to $5.00 per gallon by Summer, the MBTA should move slowly concerning any drastic fare hikes or cuts in service. Car drivers will be looking for alternatives, and trains may become a welcome option for them. Don’t charge commuters more and give them less!