Massachusetts commuter agency threatens to cancel order for new cars

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Massachusetts commuter agency threatens to cancel order for new cars

You get what you pay for with $12 per hour manufacturing workers. Maybe if Rotem paid in the $30 per hour range it would have quality workers.

This underscores another problem with government run railroads. Governments deal with only one authorized producer. When there is no competition, quality control is optional. In the private sector, you screw up, guess what? Your customer goes shopping at the competition’s place. In a really funny way, these east coast socialists deserve what they voted for.

they still havent delivered the last 5 cars to septa folks . they are still waiting from what I have read for parts to be delievered for brakes and doors . you think the mbta problems have just started?? you havent seen anything yet

When will they ever learn? AMERICAN made, AMERICAN workmanship, AMERICAN quality, made in AMERICA by AMERICANS has never been or ever will be beat! I wonder if Pullman, Budd, AC&F or even the Milwaukee Road ever had this happen. Bet I get some feedback on this !

When will they ever learn? AMERICAN made, AMERICAN workmanship, AMERICAN quality, made in AMERICA by AMERICANS has never been or ever will be beat! I wonder if Pullman, Budd, AC&F or even the Milwaukee Road ever had this happen. Bet I get some feedback on this !

According to another recent article, there may be some Talgo units available, almost immediately! Boston should be looking to that U.S. production for their vehicles.

To answer your question Mr Wolfe, Passenger car consruction died out on account of dis-interest in passenger rail. Budd which was bought out by Seimens, closed shop in Red Loin PA back in 1983. Pullman exited in after the first batch of Superliners were completed. Unfortunately, now that is a demand for passenger cars, both light and heavy rail, there’s nobody willing to reenter the business.

From the experiece that SCRRA (Metro Link) had with their Rotem cars, I can see why. The cars are heavy (Owing to the CEM (Collision Energy Management) requiring more fuel consumption to get the train moving, incapatable PA systems, Uncomfortable school bus like seating, etc. Metro link isn’t too happy with their Rotem cars.

When will US-Administration managent learn that not everything ordered at lower cost will always come up to expeczations?

I don’t know the T didn’t buy cars from Bombardier or other established manufacturers.

Was Rotem the low bidder, did the lowest bidder get the contract? Well, Buy cheap, GET cheap!

Was Rotem the low bidder, did the lowest bidder get the contract? Well, Buy cheap, GET cheap!