I have had a set of the old Rivarosi coaches sitting in storage until I can find a tail end car. Well Con-Cor released their new Solarium coach which matches the Rivarossi Coaches in their Grey livery.
I think the FEF is just fine for those coaches–you can run an approximate “Challenger”, “Overland Limited” or “Portland Rose” IMO. I’ve always liked that two-tone gray, color scheme: SP used the same color scheme on their “Cascade”, “Lark” and also on their “Overland Limited” portion of that train’s run between Ogden and Oakland. I’ve got some of the two-tone Pullmans that I use on my SP “Gold Coast” WWII passenger run.
UP also used 7000-series Mountain types (4-8-2) on passenger trains. Might be a nice change from the 800s. A Challenger wouldn’t be out of place either.
Funny you should mention that I have one of the older BLI versions but it is not in the Greyhound paint scheme. It is a nice looking engine and pulls well.
This engine in its grey paint just seems to look better as it matches the coaches.
I have a pair of Rivarossi FEF-3s that I use. They pulled the 15+ of those same cars cars I have really well until I installed DCC in them and now they struggle to pull 6. I am attempting a remotor but I am having some issues with joining the motor to the drive gear as they are 2 different sizes.
Question for you, Have you replaced the trucks on your cars or are you still using the original ones?
Mine had plastic wheels in a plastic truck held onto the car by a cheesey little clip pin. I have since put new Intermountain Wheels on them and fashioned new bolsters with screws. They run better now, since making those upgrades and adding the proper weight.