May Issue

Is the May Issue of CTT out yet?

Don’t have mine and no one has posted a thread about it. I don’t think they have been sent yet, but should be soon.


Just checked the mail. Mine’s not in yet. Maybe tomorrow.

Usually from the 25th to the 30th you’ll start getting them. We hope?


Got mine today but I just had an address issue last month.I usually get it late.Good PW article.


I haven’t gotten mine yet either, but I got an email that said they have been sent out, maybe tomorrow.

Don’t [oX)] my copy [C):-)], or I’ll have to send the [4:-)] to go [X-)] on you!

Mine just now got here! If I have some spare time today I’ll have to start reading - looks like a good issue!

I think my Catenary made the cover again… LOL!! That makes is a great Issue…

I didn’t get the magazine yet but when I saw the e-mail I ran right to my Stereo and played

Dr Hook

"…we keep getting richer

But we can’t get our picture

on the cover of the Rolling Stone"

Thanks CTT

Got mine in PA today…looking forward to reading it tonight. Joe

Got mine today, Saturday. Read through once. Want to go back through to pick up some of the finer details later. Good issue.

Mel Hazen

Jax, FL

Got mine yesterday, but haven’t had time to read it yet. It looks like another excellent issue though!

Got mine today.Another fine issue


Got mine today, too. Thoroughly enjoyed the article on Lionel’s “Brute.” I also like the new format for the “Reviews” section - much improved, IMO. Great issue, as usual. [:)]

  • Clint

I got mine Saturday as well. My wife got the mail before she left the house and took it with her!! Grrrr, it looks pretty good, but I haven’t had a chance to read thought it yet.

Got mine yesterday.


Got mine, first time received damaged, last 18 pages torn.

Got mine today !! Yipppeeee !!! [(-D]

Thanks, John

Received mine today as well. Another excellent issue. CTT has been on a run lately (at least as far as I am concerned) with stories I really like. Keep of the good work, CTT!
