McKeen motorcar returning to California thanks to teen's efforts

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McKeen motorcar returning to California thanks to teen’s efforts

Let’s hear it for this young man! Let’s hope that perhaps one of the large California rail museums will partner with him to save this unique piece of railroad history.

Cool. Going to be one heck of an involved project based in the images provided here.

Not everything that’s old needs to be saved, but the McKeen cars are unusual enough and (now) scarce enough to warrant preservation–or in this case wholesale restoration. As those involved already know, it will be an expensive and involved process, but I wish them well.

Mr. Kirkman is an outstanding young man.

In 17 more years Mr. Kirkman might be better presidential material than the present crop of candidates. By then he should have the restoration done, so he might be looking for a bigger challenge.


I salute this young man and his group in their efforts !! Perhaps they will receive some support from the Pacific Southwest Railway Museum in Campo, Cal. , not that far from Ramona. I hope so.