MDC Climax parts needed

I’m trying to rebuild a MDC Climax and I need the following parts:

Complete step and coupler assembly.

Headlight assembly.

I would consider a Climax from your junk box to use for parts.



I have a better idea, buy a Bachmann Spectrum 44 ton switcher and swap shells. It will operate better than the best MDC Climax chassis ever will.

As you may know, the Climax and Boxcab use the same chassis, for more instruction on how to modify the Climax shell to fit on the Spectrum chassis, click here. There are several ways to do it, I chose the mate the switcher shell into the Climax/ Boxcab frame, using the the Spectrum coupler pocket with Kadees installed.

Thanks for the reply and pictures :wink:

That is exactly what I am trying to do …BUT … I don’t have the steps/coupler assembly.

Do you know where I can get these parts?


Keep an eye out on eBay. They come up once in a while.

You don’t understand, the steps and coupler pocket are part of the original Bachmann 44 ton shell. I guess you didn’t click the link I gave you…on second thought, don’t bother.

Thanks for the very good link. I have studied it and I may in fact go this direction.

But, first, I would really like to try to use the 44 ton chassis and the Climax shell without destroying the 44 ton shell.

If this will not work, then I will do the conversion as shown in the link you provided.

Sorry that you thought I ignored your valuable information.
