I have one that that the drivers seem to be dragging in one spot in the rotation, and only when I have the motor applying power. I dissasembled it to try and find the problen but to no avail. If you have come accross this problem and know how to fix it please let me know. Thank you in advance.
Terry, Arlington,TX
Also, it seems like the axels are bent(wobbling) but I don’t think that is the problem. Thanks.
I might think by what you discribed that the bent axles might just be your problem by making the rods bind just a bit agianst the sides of apposing wheels. One may be wobbling one way while the other is wobbling the other and at that point it doesn’t that much to bind and cause trouble. Don’t have any real recommendations other that maybe loosen the bolt s just a bit for the rods to give a little more slop or try to get or srtaiten the axles. It just might be the problem…Jamie
After COMPLETE disasembly it was the geared driver that has either an un-centered wheel on the axel or a bent axel. Now, any one know how to tru the wheels on the axles?
Terry, Arlington,TX
Hi Terry, Check one thing…make sure that the slot that the axle runs in is true and square…it may not be the axle or wheel. If that’s not the problem contact MDC/Roundhouse and get another axle/driver… thats the quick fix as its unlikely that you’ll be able to get the axle or wheel trued up without machining it. Take care and have fun…Vic