MDC Roundhouse Harriman 2-8-0 needs help

I’ve got hold of an old one of these kits still in the box. So far I’ve found that the one of the studs or bosses that take the rod screws (or “pins”) on the geared driver is broken, and the packet with the driver pins (some sort of hex head machine screws from the look of it) is missing.

Does anyone know what size and length the driver pin screws are?

Does anyone have a set of drivers or even a whole 2-8-0 mechanism to part out?

Did these engines ever have any valve gear?

PS -t’s a model 11L-2 according to the instructons and parts list.

Those rod pins are “hex head” plastic pins. No threads. You press them into the holes on the drivers. Friction keeps the pins in. There are two different lengths. Athearn/Roundhouse steamer still come with the same pins. I have the instructions for building the older MDC 2-8-0 old timer which is the same basic configuration.

You can order the parts from Athearn/Roundhouse. I have been ordering parts for older 2-6-0 locos to upgrade them to DCC sound.
