Does anyone know where I can buy MDC(Roundhouse) parts for their steam loco kits now that MDC has been sold to Horizon Hobbies? Did they sell their inventory of parts to someone else?
Bob D.
If you are after a particular part why not just ask in a couple forums? Someone out there might just have it.
MDC is now part of Athearn. Check Athearn’s Web site. All of the existing MDC stock was crated and shipped to California. The last I heard, Athearn was still going through the pallets and trying to inventory everything, and the parts you need may be available from them.
Getting MDC parts through horizon is a lost cause. Trust me. Just order the closest thing from bowser and with a few mods you can make it work. I ordered a crosshead from MDC nearly 2 years ago and they are still searching for it. Dont waste your time, just go bowser.
if anyone thinks getting MDC or athearn parts are hard to get from horizon, try getting a diesel locomotive from them. i once tried to order an athearn locomotive from horizon via my hobby shop and a month later still no locomotive