Mehano steam engines

My LHS has a bunch of these 4-6-4 Mehano steam engines on sale for 99 bucks Canadian. Are they any good. They look great but I’m wondering how they perform.

Mehano is the same as IHC…or that is, Mehano makes a lot of the IHC locos. I’ve had a couple and they were fine. Sometimes the Mehanos do not have as much detail and sometimes they don’t have the tender pick-ups connected to the loco (???[:0])

Ask the LHS to run one to demonstrate how they perform. The photo that you posted looks like same boiler shell used for the IHC 4-8-2. Mehano and IHC use the same shell on different driver configurations sometimes.

I have 3 IHC steamers and like them a lot, especially for the price. $99 Canadian sounds like a fair price (About $60 US?). Check the current issue of MR for the IHC sale prices to compare.

I have a 2-6-0, It runs quietly and smoothly. I saw one of the 4-6-2s operating on a layout, also very smooth and quiet.

I run 2 of the IHC ones on my exhibition layout, the 2-8-0 Consolidation & the new 0-8-0 switcher and find them smooth & quiet after a bit of running in. Ok they are a bit light on detail compared to the latest from Bachmann or Broadway [:D] but they are fantastic value for money. Fitting Kadees is relatively easy too.

Buy direct from IHC as they do great deals.



I have 6 Mehano steam engines and they are some of the best, smoothest running engines that I own! I would highly recommend getting one. Mine came with a series of train sets put out by President’s Choice that were sold at Superstores around Christmastime. I have a CN 2-8-2, a CP 2-6-0 camelback, a CN 0-8-0, a CP 4-6-2, a CN 4-8-4 and a CN 4-8-2 that has the same body shell as the 4-6-4 you have shown.

Glad to hear about thier running capabilites.I just ordered a 4-6=2,that I plan on super detailing with PSC and Bowser-Cal-scale-Cary parts.Thier “lack of detail” works fine for me.I worked on thier Mogul and after installing a Lenz, back feed decoder,It runs fine

When I was freelancing, the IHC/Mehano Mountains formed the backbone of my engine fleet. They run great and are affordabe. They’re also easy to superdetail and convert (two of mine have new lives as IC Mountains, which was a MAJOR conversion!)

I have one of the 4-8-2s, purchased about ten years ago, and it is an excellent and reliable runner.

Ditto with Rails5. I bought their USRA Heavy Mountain about six years ago and it’s been a very smooth operator. The very early ones didn’t have tender pickup, but the newer ones do, and it’s quite reliable. As for detail–well, you can always add on, can’t you?

I have several Mehano’s. They are generic, except their USRA style engines, but are good runners. The 4-6-4 shown is actually the shell from their 4-8-2 model. But again as said above they can be reworked and superdetailed.


Great, I’m glad I posted asking about them. My LHS set one up for me and I was hooked. I picked up 3 of them. It is Christmas eh, lol. Thanks everybody.

I may have to eat Humble Pie on this one. I have been slowly weaning myself off the Mehano line as I’m getting hooked by BLI, Proto, etc. But I was in my LHS this morning and saw the CPR 4-6-4 and I have to say I was impressed. The Rivet Counters would have a field day with it but none the less it’s a classy look’n lady. Though I didn’t see it out of the box I’m now wondering whether or not it’s a 4-8-2 shell. I might have to buy one just to find out!


P.s. Someone pass the Ketchup please[:I] The pie’s a little dry.

Way cool reading. I don’t have any of the Mehano steam engines as I was unsure about their qualities. Their prices sure are attractive. Because of their “lack of detail” I think they would form an excellent starting point for kitbashing as many on here have remarked. I’m surprised that I haven’t seen any articles over the past few years discussing kitbashing some of these to resemble various prototypes. I’m sure the article would be well received.

The IHC 4-6-2 was made by Mehano. I plan on buying more, not too sure about the Hudson though.
I’m going to have to see whether or not the cab can be worked over to look more like 2816.


I wonder about the shell coming from their 4-8-2. If you give it a close look, that Hudson has a kind of Santa Fe look about it (or maybe it’s my imagination) that the Mountain doesn’t have. But it’s a cute looking thing, isn’t it? If it runs as well as the Mountain, it should be a winner. And who cares about rivets anyway, when you can still get all of those super-detailing goodies from Cal-Scale?

Gordon, your in Oshawa right? Horizons in Whitby is the place that has them for 99 bucks.

Thanks TA462!


Check IHC’s website out. Their ad in Jan. MR says they’re 59.00 each (I don’t know what that converts to in Canadian dollars though).

Wondering at the comments that the Mehano steamers built for President’s Choice run beautifully; my CN 4-8-2 starts at a high voltage and then takes off. Any hints as to how to slow it down (re-motor, re-gear)? I have an MRC 100 Trainpack (old), and use cab control.