Memo to Kathi Kube

In another Thread here Kathi asked for help and Ideas and what we folks out here thought about some of the potential story lines she had put together out of some Industry conferences she’d been attending.

So in an effort to assist her, I found some information that might help her research:

1.) How viable is biodiesel for everyday railroading? What challenges remain to make it more practical?

Apparently, the NS has gotten into this area and is now running some diesels in its fleet. In some recent reports there was much ado about the additive in hamburger from some hamburger restaurants called ‘Pink Slime’. After bad press Mickey D’s is one forgoing ‘Pink Slime’ in its burgers.

So now they are selling it to Tyson Foods as an additive in their Bio Diesel Products. So, you ask how is this railroad related? [:-,]

The next time you are standing by the Railroad and a set of NS locomotives comes sailing by, leaving a fait odor of your grandparents outhouse and a whif of frying chicken, not to worry it is NS Corp being “Green”!

Here’s all the details in the following link:

FTL: "…Solazyme uses algae to ferment plant matter and municipal waste into fuel. Dynamic Fuels, half-owned by agribusiness giant Tyson Foods, converts fats and waste greases into biofuels.…"

"…According to a recent Forbes report, McDonald’s says it will quit using pink slime. Which means Tyson stands to benefit, potentially charging more for its pink slime-powered biofuel instead of pink slime food filler. Tyson said it is now selling “millions of gallons of an