Bear with me, (or skip the lengthy thread), I thought I’d post this tonight as if to formalize my being “back”. This spring, I was starting all the little fix-its to get the whole place ready to paint. House, carport, several outbuildings, everything. OK.
Well, in May, a dear friend of my wife and myself got displaced when her rented space sold. Rents here in central Oregon are outlandish, and hard to find. She was getting bounced yet again. My wife came up with the idea of putting her up in a 5th wheel trailer in the back of our one acre property. She liked it, we went for it. Painting the house got shelved for yet another year. That’s ok.
Since then, I have been working as if full time on setting up for the 5th wheel. This entailed moving 4 sizable outbuildings, 2 of which got heavily modified. Then grading and graveling the area, tie in to septic, power, and water. It looked like a war zone, all the ditches and dirt piles. Plus a ton of other related work I won’t go into here. Eight weeks alone went into building a substantial structure over the 5th wheeler.
At this point I’ll mention as soon as the plan for the whole project was hatched, in May, my mind went completely devoid of model interest. Gone. Even to the point I wondered if it would ever come back. I had no desire, or interest in any aspect of MRRing, 'cept checking the forums now and then. The layout even looked kind of distant and depressing when I went in there to get various tool for the big project. I just couldn’t care.
As of yesterday, Monday the 24th, I finished the final detail of that 19x40 structure, tying it down to heavy concrete blocks. FINALLY, the whole project was complete.
Also Monday and Tuesday, I made preparations for winter; get the 'ol snow plow Suburban out front, the studded tires on the family cars, yard all cleaned up and tidy, etc. Well, we’re are about as prepared for winter as we can be now…