Merry-go-rounds vs. Patheticism

Yes oldpoleburner
we can get along on ONE occasion…

you accept my apology…

i’m sorry man for making an *** out of myself…

sorry bro.


Missouri, glad you checked in. Did you get that data. The figures for how many times the railroad was found to be negligent at a rail crossing? You must be busy for you keep forgetting to give me that info. If you want to prove your point, you must show us the factual data. You can prove your point, right?

You show me one where they wasn’t at fault. Your asking me fill up the WWW.

You made the accusations.When it comes to rail crossings you have called the railroads everything from robber barons to murders. Only a person with factual proof would do that. Well, do you have the evidence, or is this all some childish prank, to seek a reaction?

don’t let the- get to you.He has so many holes in his"facts".The one fact is Stop look listen and live.period.
stay safe

Stop–Where’s the stop signs?
Look–Where’s the sight lines?
Listen–Where’s the whistles at 40% of the crossings?

Huh a factor in every collision that the railroads are found negligient in!!

How many times have the railroads been proven negligent? You must have that information in front of you. What is your source? You give the figure that at 40% of the crossings the whistle are not blown, were did you get that information.If you have the facts then present them. Are you making this info up just to cause a fight?

Here we go again. same facts differant post. so we do it again to prove you wrong.

  1. Stop- this means dont go forwards or backwards. No motion. so where is the stop sign. More like is there one needed. common sense dictates that you stop before getting into the path of the train. red lights flashing means stop. I love to be in court to see you tell a judge I didnt stop for the police officer trying to pull me over cause there was no stop sign. Or i ran the stop light cause there was no stop sign. It is a pretty simple process.

  2. Look- for you I would assume you look in the glove box. that is where you keep your Cds, how else would you miss the train. unless you didnt do #1. I really cant think of anyone who is that mentally disadvantaged they would stop in the gage of the track to see if a train is comming. even the woman who was walking her dog she ran in front of me the dog stayed put. she had to drag the dog across in front of me. when she had him half way he leaped and knocked her on her rear. served her right. the sight line is where you can see.

3)listen- I wonder if you even know what this means. the whistle board is there for engineers not the public. There is 2 rules i go by ( me not others) the rule says you must start blowing at the whistle board or 1/4 mile before the crossing. the rule does not say constant blowing there is no rule in saying how long you take in between blows. the only thing it says is the last long must be held til the engine is thru the crossing. Now my rule if I feel that the board is out of place i blow accordingly. and rule 2 if i think the crossing is a hazardous crossing i make more noise than is needed. and still have people come around the gates. so your 40% figure means i dont blow for 75 crossing each trip. my tapes show differant. but if you watch me then i guess i missed 75 crossings.

  1. the one you forgot LIVE. of course you omitted this one. you wouldnt be able to fight if you didnt. if you did the above 3, then


Consider it Done!

  • Ol’PoleBurner -