Metal Wheel Replacement Size for Athearn BB Rotary Snow Plow

Having found answers to most of my questions on my rotary snow plow upgrade, my final question is what size of metal wheels, 33" or 36", are most appropriate for the old Athearn snow plow? Cedarwoodron

I think i used 36 in but that was what i had on hand, not sure if it was proto or not

Gidday, In the April 1953 Model Railroader there are photos, and plans drawn by Berne E. Danielsen of the Lima-Hamilton Rotary Snowplow. The drawings show 33" wheels.

As an aside one of the notations on the drawings refers that “…a model of this plow would have to be almost completely scratchbuilt…”

Aren’t we lucky.[:)]

Cheers, the Bear.