I have rolling stock with metal wheels some aristo,usat,after market san-val,aristo. i like usat wheels was wondering about are they hard or easy to install. i was thinking of buying some any ya’s or na’s ?

I have intsalled LGB metal wheels with ball bearings and electrical pick ups on most of my LGB carriages. I bought a whole bunch of them off ebay and they are very simple and easy to install. The electrics are a bit harder, invoves drilling; and rewiring the internal lightiing. but eminently affective

rgds ian

Rgds ian

Hi train me
I have a deliberate policy of plastic wheel replacement.
metal wheels don’t melt outside and on an indoor set up the result is less down time
too track cleaning.
You cannot avoid track cleaning but metal wheels help minimise it
most of the gunck comes from the plastic wheels.
You also get the side benefit of the clickety clack at rail joints whch seems to add something to the expierience.
They can be very easy to install or a right royal pain depending on how the manufacturer has constructed things.
regards John

i guess i asked the wrong question which are the best wheels? for the money and i know the best price is bachmann no thanks i woundn’t use bachmann wheels bachmann is not my friend of choice. any others?

Hi train me
Not knowing how the cost structure goes in your neck of the woods.
Makes it a bit hard.
But like you I don’t trust bachman wheels iether.
For American outline or where solid wheels will do I have been using Arristocraft blackend wheels for metal spoked wheels have used LGB.
regards John

how do you guys feel about San-val wheels i have some i bought about 10 yrs ago i just didn’t care for sillver wheels i have painted them black. and they seem to work good.
anybuddy elese comments on them>

Gary Raymond metal wheels are probably the best large scale wheels out there,but must admit they ain’t cheap.

yea there out of my price range but thanks.

I have bought San-val`s metal wheels on their Ebay site. Good value(for us Brits). I also painted the silver wheels black as suggested in their advert. I recently took some of the black ones, seem okay. Certainly do not need cleaning as much as the plastic and do not deposit so much crud on the tracks.

All the best
Ian P

Bachmann replacement metal wheelsets seem to be a good product for the price, but be aware that they come in three different diameters. I have used these on Delton to replace plastic wheels. I also put ball bearing races into the journals as I replaced the plastic wheels, and this made a drastic difference in rolling qualities.

messed me over in my ho days they will never see a dime of my money.

You know i believe I live in a hotter place than just about any one on this forum and I have never had any hint of plastic wheels melting at all.

Is this because I only have LGB?

Rgds Ian

When it comes to summer temperturesThink us folks here in Phoenix Arizona can give you a run for your money. LGB wheels? maybe but know body in his/her right mind leaves plastic equipment out on the rails sans shade in this part of the country!!

how hot does it down under?
with the indoor R R it gets hot hear in florida summer 130 in the shade. but then i turn the ac on i have never had the black crud on my tracks ther talking about either. but when in yuma ariz i got up to first thing in am 148 im glad i don’t R R there. when i was there in phoenix we went to morning church service my former wife for got here bible in the back window a real leather bible it was a butter fly after the service ruined it…

If you could find out the name of anyone involved with the layout at The Living Desert, they might give a good answer about wheels. Based in Palm Springs, CA they have serious heat issues to deal with. Similar to Phoenix tempratures, but they also run full time.

I have no problem with Bachmann rolling stock or their wheels, in another topic I have just said that their gear is definately better lately. My stuff stays on the track ok and nothing has fallen off because of the wheels. I just bought 4 freight today at my local shop and paid £25-99 each, an absolute steal for the quality of the item. I agree that I wouldn’t leave them in the sun though, I have a nice shady spot for that.

thats great that you can be pleased with your bachmann rolling stock!
but for me they dont make what i like and in my ho days they made junk .
they didn’t install any trust in me with there junk ho.

train-me –

I think Bachmann products have improved drastically since you bought your HO stuff. I agree, the original cheap Bachmann HO engines and rolling stock were junk, and still are, but Bachmann has three different levels of quality – the cheap Bachmann Plus junk; Bachmann Silver Series, a mid-level product, and their highest quality, Spectrum. Spectrum locomotives are, in my experience, equal in running qualities to Atlas, Kato, and Proto2000. I model in both HO and G, and have close to 20 Bachmann Spectrum steam engines. I wouldn’t touch one of their diesels, though, because other members of the club I belong to have had to send 3 of them back for replacement.

cacole thanks for the input.
i own 1 steamer its a kalamazoo 440 & tender. Lake Tahoe set new in box.
i am into diesels now.

What should i expect to pay for 4 bachman metal wheels?

also who makes metalwheels for an aristo hershy bobber caboose?