Method for Improving Appearance-Photos Added

Hey, I like the Pledge thing. I use it on the carpeted bunk boards for the boat trailer. Makes it slide on easier [but be careful, it will slide off too]. When I repaint and decal my engines [rolling stock too], I shoot it with dulcote. Don’t see many shinny engines in real life. Now, I just got a new old Post War Berk. Think I will get the dust off with Pledge. Great idea.

I also use pledge with great success. For crevises I take and old worn teeshirt rag with pledge on it then use and old toothbrush to work the rag into the details. The only problem I’ve seen with pledge is if you want to paint the item, you must remove all traces of the pledge for the paint to take correctly.


Nice job Earl!!!. I do swear by Pledge and have been using if for years as well. I do avoid decals with it though but I’m glad it’s seems to be safe on them as well.

Mike S.

Beautiful switcher…

I was contemplating one of those 623’s on an auction site, but none of them looked this good…I ended up with the 8111 in need of some attention.

That one is a real find!
