Are there any regularly scheduled passenger trains still running in Mexico?
If you’re asking about regular, non-tourist type trains, the answer I’m afraid is no.
There are at least three options for riding trains currently in operation.
the well known Copper Canyon train between Chihuahua and Los Mochis. This actually runs both a first class (basically targeted at tourists) train and a separate second class train, both directions, daily. See:
the “Tequila Express”. A daily out and back run between Guadalajara and the tequila prducing area nearby. See:
there’s a tourist only train that runs in the Yucatan, I forget the name but it’s more of a tour. Definitely aimed at tourists. Runs on the FC Chiapas-Mayab.
[Edit: okay try this: ]
There are possibly one or two very short local runs somewhere up in the northwest part of the country. Seems to me I’ve heard them mentioned but I can’t be sure.
What was about the last regular local service, between Oaxaca and Cuicatlan (only 120 km north) was suspended last fall. I got to ride it last April before they shut it down.
That may not be a complete list, but it’s probably the majority of your options.