I have been a reader of MR for almost 20 years, and have seen many changes. Some necessitated because of changes within the hobby, some because the author’s moved on, some because of cost. I guess losing “Coming Events” was because of costs, since Mr. Christianson noted that it will “still be free at the website and that those wishing exposure in the magazine **can buy an ad”.**I was very disappointed to see that “Coming Events” has been eliminated from the magazine.
While I am now “hooked on model railroading” 20 years ago I was only “interested” and buying an MR gave me a window into the hobby. It was the “Coming Events” column that guided to the club and show events in my area that allowed me to see layouts, to go to shows, to see what was out there. Eventually I joined my local NMRA Chapter and we too started our own show, which has become profitable, and has promoted the hobby here in the Norfolk areas. But without exposure in it’s formative years in MR and other publications the show probably would not have caught on.
I counted 50 FULL pages of ads in the June issue of MR, out of 122. The “good use” put to the former second page of “Contents” was a full page ad. Now I won’t quibble that MR’s main function for being, is to MAKE money. And while I could recommend features that I don’t necessarily read, to use for “Coming Events” that would in deed create a howl from those who eagerly await each issue for those features. I know that I miss Lionel Strang’s “Workin on the Railroad” column already. However, what I did notice was LOTS of white page in the monthly “Trackside Photos” section. IF space is the issue, why not fill in that white with “Coming Events”? How about the half a dozen pages of advertising for MR and it’s sister publications? If we’ve already bought or are reading the magazine why do we have to read ads about it? We’ve already bought your product!! It should sell itself!!!
If MR in deed is serious about promoting the “World’s Greatest Hobby” then it
Being from out in the woods (western PA) and having read MR since 1978, the coming events provided me with the only way to find out about shows. This is how I found out about a new club forming in 1982 (The Clarion Model Railroad Club).
If it had not been for them advertising their show at the local mall (in Model Railroader) I probably would not have ever joined. Now after having been a member for over 25 years and having send in many post cards advertising our many shows, MR goes and eliminates the Coming events.
I guess they do not need the Clubs and Trains Shows any more. Everyone is finally a model railroader and why would they need to read about a coming show as they (being a model railroader) already know that this show is coming. Right!
Very few people use the online Schedule of events. We tried using it to advertise and I have tried using it to find out about shows and the known shows are never there! So what good is it?
When the Club used to do Train flea markets we always ask the people attending where they heard about the Show/Flea market. 90% stated that they saw it in Model Railroader. And we had people coming from 80 plus miles away to attend the Shows & Sales.
It is just going to be harder to get the word out (but wait a minute - everyone already knows as they are already a model railroader!) Thanks a bunch!
BOB H - Clarion, PA
I could not agree more. MR should be more than an advertising venue for producers - although this is important. If the hobby is stay at the current level, or get bigger, it will only do so because people see what it can do for them - especially as the pace of living appears to get faster. Attending a local show and talking to real active model railroaders is a critical event in getting many people into the hobby. With over 60 years in the hobby on two continents the future events column should definitely stay in the4 magazine in a prominent location. I am sure that there are many others like me who regularly check this before anything else in the magazine.
For some strange reason, people enamored by technology and the internet seem to think that the entire planet is surfing the web on their very own PC at home. The truth of the matter is that the internet is still a TINY force in most people’s lives. Most people are NOT online! Discarding the printed schedule of events is a huge disservice to the model railroad community, which suffers from horrible marketing and PR in general.
Kalmbach: bring back MR’s printed schedule of events! Unless you want to help kill off this hobby, that is.
I have not received the June issue yet (today???). Anyway, I agree, I always look in the coming events section, every month to see if there is anything in my area. I am on the net all the time, and have never once looked at the on-line coming events. They have just removed a vital resource from the magazine.
Read the forum submission about changes to MR format started yesterday (5/1/05) and you will find more that agree.
IMO, it’s very simple. MR has forgotten its roots.
If you feel strongly about it, don’t renew your subscription when it comes due. Otherwise, there is no reason for them to put it back.
I believe that the majority of readers are NOT on the web and will NOT go to the library to get online. Why not? Because it requires then to do something they would not otherwise do.
Unfortunately, the last time I renewed MR, it was for several years, but that doesn’t mean that I am a captive reader.
Heck I have always looked in the coming events section to see where the next show was at. Eather close or far away. I think we should start a petition to start it back up!!! We need this section!!! Sign On Fellas!!! Kevin