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Michigan station gets multi-modal display
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Michigan station gets multi-modal display
Looks like something is being done correctly in Kalamazoo. Most, and possibly all, of the transit buses give a decent connection with the Wolverine to Chicago. Even the 11:08 arrivals might make the connection if the dwell time before the Wolverine departs is sufficiently long.
However, it appears that none of the intercity buses are timed for the Amtrak Departure that is shown.
Once again, Michigan is the “leader and best.”
I think I may have seen something similar to this for GO Transit in Toronto at Central Station there.
How is this being green? Electricity is required to light up the board? Or is their electricity somehow magically segregated so it only uses windmill generated electricity, while the evil coal generated electricity is directed elsewhere?
If they really wanted to be green, they would have constructed the board out of stones carved manually, with other stones. That way, no trees would be harmed, no harmful electromagnetic waves are generated, and no evil industrial manufacturing processes are required.