Micro Engineering Track

I am new to this site but here goes.

Does anyone know what happened to the Micro Engineering line of travh and turnouts?

I heard that they were bought by a new owner but nothing since.



The owner had closed shop. A new owner did surface. I haven’t heard anything since either


They’ve been slowly filling in the pipeline. Patience with the new owners as they’re still getting their feet wet. I have seen product in some LHS when I was in Texas for the NTS…


[#welcome] to the forum. Your posts are delayed by moderation for a while.

What’s a travh?

Ken Patterson interviewed the family that bought ME.

Probably a typo for “track.”

I havenot seen ME track on any of the big sellers websites in a while.

I REALLY wanted some code 83 bridge track sections, but decided to buy Central Valley tie strips instead.


If I was ME, I’d think about cranking up the production of Code 70 track products first. There seems to be little Code 70 on the market, but a bunch of Code 83 from various vendors.

Modeltrainstuff.com has ME track and turnouts available. Both venders are fantastic. Def consider.

The website is now live after being down for some time, word is they are filling distributors orders and are working to catch up. The website will be updated but is currently in its old form. You can buy direct BTW.

Micro Engineering

The old website was not what I would consider state of the art and I am being as charitable as I can be. The current website is still being revised. That sort of stuff takes time.

In addition to ME, Walthers and Peco both have code 70 lines, so you have multiple options.

Since no one has posted in a couple months, I was wondering if there has been any new information when n scale products might possibly be starting to be available? I am planning to start working on my layout in the new year and l’ve been looking for code 55 track parts. Thanks in advanc!