Micro Trains couplers - what gives?

Having recently decided to get serious and having made a considerable investment in N-scale cylindrical hoppers for my Canadian National themed layout-to-be, I have been trying without any success whatsoever to obtain an N-scale coupling height-gauge, a 10-pack of roller-bearing trucks with medium-length couplers (which I stupidly assumed would be the “easy” way to convert some other rolling stock) and a conversion coupler set so I can hitch the resulting humungous grain train to my Spectrum SD45’s.

I have placed orders with two different “serious railroad modeler” hobby stores and watched as the months trickled by.

I have ordered from Web stores only to be told (after a long silence and queries from my end) that there are problems with suppliers.

Are Micro Trains no longer manufacturing these items? If so, why am I seeing the wretched things advertised everywhere? I’ve been attempting to get things together since last July and my feeling is someone needs a kick in the rear end and for once it ain’t me. Does anyone have any insight to whatever is going on?

Steve Mann.

I’m not sure what the deal is, but some of the chain type hobby stores can tranfer items from one store to another to fill an order. I know the local Hobbytown USA can transfer items from any of it’s stores to my store if I need something that is out of stock locally. Maybe that would help?