I have about 30 different N-scale cars of different makes and am wondering if there is a standard Micro-trains set of trucks with coupler that I can order to replace them all rather than trying to match all different type. Prototype not a big deal for me and the box cars may all be weathered so no road names - mostly steam so Bettendorf ???
I don’t see why they wouldn’t work. The trucks that come with most N scale cars have the couplers mounted on them, so they should fit OK. Get a pair and try them out on your different cars.
I used them on my N scale cars and had good results (when I was in N scale). Even used them with under track magnets and they worked really good once adjusted right.
Yes, Bettendorf.
For the steam era the Bettendorf will be the best choice…
Thankfully N Scale uses the same style of truck mounting so,there’s no real hassle between freight car brand names.I buy mine by the bulk pack.
Thanks gents[:)]
Whoa, whoa, whoa, slow down there. Are you sure you want MicroTrains (MT) trucks? I just spent around $40 to find out that they weren’t as good as I thought they would be. I was going to convert some of my Atlas Trainman cars to the MT trucks. I installed the new MT trucks and saw a heck of a lot of play in the connection. At first I thought it was in the bolster pin, then I noticed that the MT trucks have a lot of play in the couplers. Ever get the “slinky” effect while running your train slow? This is mainly due to the all of the slop in the MT couplers. Now I will probably convert all of my MT trucks to the trucks that come with the Altas cars.
Hansel,that slop you are refering to that gives the “slinky effect” is actually caused by the light duty coil spring inside the MT coupler housing.I have been told but have never tried is to replace that spring with a small piece of foam rubber.
The next time one of my MT couplers decides to revert to kit form I will find out if the foam really does cure the problem.Other than that I would agree with using the ATLAS trucks with the Accumate couplers.(they cost less too)
Yeah they are cheaper, but uncoupling becomes less of an option right? I recently got a few new Atlas cars with MT couplers… is that normal?
Even though I think MT’s are superior, I certainly wouldn’t waste my money replacing Accumate couplers with them. In my experience, the Accumates play well with MT’s and work fine.
A few years ago, when Accumates first came on the scene, there were issues with exploding coupler pockets and trip pins that would fall off. I experienced this, but Atlas was good about replacing them. These issues have since been addressed, although there are likely some older Atlas cars with first run Accumates still in circulation.
My Nscale roster is equiped exclusively whith MT couplers and trucks.
All the wheels are low profile metalic ones, avoid the plastic ones, because they are rapidily covered whith dirt and had dirty on the track.
All the couplers are body mounted for reliable operations, that’s also mean you must use broader curves whith body mounted couplers.
As far I am concerned, the MT couplers are far the best on the market.
Even if most of my roster is MT cars, there are many Atlas and Intermountain ones.
These cars comes whith Mchenry or Accumate couplers and in operation don’t work as well as MT couplers. They aren’t smooth too.
I replace them whith 1015 or 1025 MT kitcoupler or even whith the coupler which come whith ready to run MT bettendorf type trucks. I try to keep the original trucks as far as possible but whith metalic low profile wheels to avoid any bolster problems.
On a ready to run MT cars, I cut the coupler from the truck and body mount them. Be sure the coupler box don’t interfere whith the trucks if you use tight radius.
I use homemade electromagnetic uncoupler which are strong enough to uncouple an HO car but the Accumate or Mchenry don’t uncouple as smoothly than MT ones.
Another problem whith these couplers is the small plastic wings which are the spring of the coupler; if put in a no alignement state for a time they never work correctly again.
The only small problem whith MT couplers is the jerky moving car when they run at slow speed.
It’s the smooth spring of the coupler which produce this effect; you can correct this by adding wheight to the car. Follow the NMRA standard for this.
As a rule to