Microsoft Train Simulator Editors & Tools are too advanced for me!

I really dislike the way Microsoft Train Simulator Editors & Tools are set up. I think they are too advanced for many people who are not expierenced computer users. They are very complicated. Instead of having fun making making my own routes and activities and cab views, I get overly frusterated trying to figure out how to work these programs. I wish I could have a route and activity editor that really is understandable. Who else thinks this?

Yes, I agree. I tried to make some modifications and got a stupid SMS file not found error. SMS is a sound found and I think something got deleted when I tinkered with with it. I had to reload the whole game.

However, I did find that installing new locomotives and rolling stock and making new consists are much more to my liking. I hear that when and if Train Simulator 2 ever comes out the editor will be much more user friendly.

If you want to learn how to add new engines, change cabviews (not alter/edit), change sounds, build consist, and what not I’ll be happy to explain it in simple terms. I’ve got pretty well figured out for the most part.

Yeah. I don’t have any idea on how to build a route. The consist editor is easy though, but itshould be in a much more acessible area of the game.

I love the game, and the dowloadable engines and cars… Auran 2004 was good. The editors, the most I could do was build a troop train and run it on one of the regular routes. Forget custom building objects and routes; not for me.

Even if the MSTS 2 comes out, I think I will stick to the free offerings created by others more skilled in the art of virtual building. The number of retail software such as 'Sand Patch" I am accumulating attests to it.

I manage to wander around my computer semi literately and the editor and software tools are way too advanced for me. I have an operations notebook complete with curvature degrees, ruling grades and crossings that I would love to simulate but it’s a lot like translating German into Russian… and I only speak English.

I would love to see how you can download new train sets into the game… in English, please!

To change your train consist or make up new ones:

  1. Change your screen resolution to 1024x768 or greater.

  2. Start/Programs/Microsoft Games/Train Simulator/Train Simulator Editor and Tools.

  3. Activity Editor.

4)File->Open->USA2->ACTIVITIES->itr_e1_s1_w1_t1.act (this is your EXPLORE ROUTE trains)

  1. On the right hand side you should see something called “player service.” If it’s blank open that drop down menu and select any one, it doesn’t matter which, or pick “ITR.”

  2. Whatever choice you make then click Edit.

  3. On the left side of the screen a new window will pop up and where it says “Consist” click “New” to make a new train or “Edit” to change an already made train.

  4. Begin adding locos and cars. You can’t have any “AI” (Aritficial Intelligence) locos or train cars in the lead. It must be a player drivable loco to start, otherwise you’ll get error messages about cab views, etc. Also you can’t mix trains with couplers or break pipes that don’t match. Once you learn how to do this then it’ll be easier to add new downloads. HINT: If there isn’t an icon next to the name of the loco it’s probably and AI unit.

  5. After saving your consist make sure it has a path. Just choose any default path if none are already

Getting stuff from the interent:

It’s mainly do-it-yourself install. Stuff you buy comes with it’s own installer. When you download something save it to a file where you can find it, like MSTS downloads or something. Read those read mes that come with it. Sometimes instructions are differnt. Basically what you have to do is create a new folder in you TRAINS/TRAINSETS folder and then copy and paste your downloaded files into the new folder. Let’s say you get a CSX DASH 9 you might create and name a folder that and put it’s files in there. Then you might have to copy and paste your default dash 9’s cabview and sounds folders

sign on to a web site called and register (no charge) then you can ask your many questions on a variety of forums with experts who really do help people and access the library for more dowonloads then you ever thought existed. After you sample it you can sign up for a once a year paymen that gives you priority access if you don’t like waiting to download stuff. i think it is in the $30.00 range. I access the files at work on DSL and find the middle of the day is easy access.

Ok! Lets roll with this! Yes, I understand how the sim’s are over and above e-mail. I started with Atlas Right Track Software. I had NMRA in Chattanooga, TN fax me "Scenery &Operation in 5’x8’ December 1970 RMC. Then I transfered the track plan into the software by virtue of the fact that good 'ole Bill Shoppe used Atlas snap track and Snap Switches, and improvised with a #6 Custom Line Switch at Sheffield and routed an interchange track from the junction back to the yard, which brought a new dimension to the idea by default. Then I found out about 3rd PlanIt, at www. The presents of the opportunity to run a SD40 from the cab held a month of drive to be able to figure out the software. -Hint! Print these tutorials out as I did, with a black and white printer, no less, and punch holes to put the tutorial into a folder, a 49ct pocket type, to keep all this frustration from the rest of the world. Use a simple oval, then install a yard, then duplicate the yard to the other side of the layout. At any time, add scenery, terrain, mesh, textures, objects. Then get out one of the old fashion “magazines,” like MR or “Trains,” and follow up on the internet addresses to the simulator websites. I’ll bet you wind-up on Planet Auran. The dedication to the seriousness of the hobby will impress you. The content creators which give you the engine downloads will give you courage to try more! Then go to John D. Petersons and see the MSTS version. Follow the links and I’m afraid of what might happen to the LHS after that!

MSTS is great in the fact you can download and add new engine or car. The activity editor is not to bad either. However, I agree with everyone that the route editor is way to complex. And to add insult, the instructions and help provided are at best vague. Hats off to those of you that have figured out how to use the route editor!! [bow]

I totally agree with the fact that the editor programs are too complex. [%-)] Fortunatly I have just recently figured out how to download new stuff for MSTS.
PS: why hasn’t’s file library updated lately?[V]

When I TRY to launch my editors and tools from Train Simulator it askes me to change my screen resolutions to 1024x768 or greater. O.K. So I change it to that. But my monitor’s screen comes out fuzzy. Is it my Monitor OR Editors and tools?

If your monitor is older, t is your monitor. It cannot handle that setting. You may need to upgrade to a newer monitor.

I wish I could invest in MSTS, all the content, that has been created, gosh, even golly gee! Or is it GE?
If a package can’t handle it, don’t upgrade, just ditch it, and start over.
A Dell, can take it. An HP, can take you.
Hardware issues, are so five minutes ago!
Here’s a Wm. K. Walthers Trinity RD-4. Mod this.

Dell and newer top of the line IBM thinkpads should run MSTS just fine. As far as editing, routes are difficult, but it’s fun to work with activities when you get familiar with it.

I found the Trainz editor to be slightly les comlicated than the MSTS but im still working on switches… and making decent terain.

Thats nothing, try to desing an entire 3-D hudson from scratch on a program like
MAYA, LIGHTWAVE, or RENDERMAN. Here is mine below & it’s all from scratch



SORRY bad at codes

how do you post pics ?

I highly recommend getting ConBuilder (easy consist editor), Route Riter (some powerful editing and correcting tools for free stuff) and Train Store (lets you load what you are going to use, so MSTS is faster to load).

Conbuilder makes it easy to check downloaded equipment and activities for missing items and then to sub what you want. You can sub new equipment for old. It is much easier to use than the MSTS editor.

Route Riter is really a packager for new routes, but you can use it to also find missing consist elements (especially the loose consists which ConBuilder may miss) and to check new routes for missing items. It selects from what you have to make corrections, so you can fix things fast.

Train store not only lets you collect more new stuff than MSTS can handle (somewhere around 1200 items MSTS starts to freak out), but it adds the ability to explore routes with traffic patterns from your other activities. Really a nice feature.

All of them are free on Be patient and keep trying if you don’t want a premium membership. Whenever a new route gets added, the free access gets harder (there have been 3 added resently, NS Pocahontas, NS Atlanta & Macon and CSX M&M route) so it can be frustrating. The a couple of the utilities are also available at some other sites. Try too.