just wondering if msoe still has a layout
just wondering if msoe still has a layout
Yes, the Milwaukee School of Engineering (MSOE) still has a student model railroad club–the Society of Model Engineers (SOME)–right on campus. They’ve gone through a few layouts at a few different locations over the decades. Their current layout depicts a freelanced railroad line running through Southeastern Wisconsin; it’s a double-decker running around one of the clubrooms in the Student Union. The students also host a small two-day model railroad show (“Train Time”) each Spring.
Here is a link to the MSOE SOME website: http://www.msoe.edu/st_orgs/some
There is also a separate model railroad club made up of several MSOE alumni. Here is a link to their website: http://www.n9pby.com/owl/index.html
As far as I know they still do. Their website says they are currently working on a layout begun in 1999:
Alright now I’m bloody jelous, haha. University Of Wisconsin-Milwaukee sadly does not have a MRR club, nor do we have room for one on campus, due to the very urban limited-footprint nature of the campus and occupation of just about every room. Trust me I’ve checked.
thanks for the info guys i will have to check them out when i get back there next year
Something I am actually an authority on!
Yes the club still exists; I am currently the treasurer of the club. The club has been going strong since the sixties. We currently have about 8 members and we meet on Thursdays at 7:00pm when school is in session. Our main layout is in HO and consists of a double deck that must be about 18’ by 30’ and features locations around Wisconsin. Visitors are welcome any time that there are meetings but the best time to stop by might be the “All Star Railroad Nights” put on by the Milwaukee “Association of Model Railroad Clubs” (A.M.R.C.). They meet at MSOE on a Friday night every other month or so and give presentations on various railroad topics, the layout is open to the public on those days from 6:00 to 10:00 at night. The contact information and location of the building can be found at the following site:
If you happen to be in Milwaukee in the March time frame, our annual show “Train Time” attracts the local clubs and is free to the public. Last year we had about 10 to 15 layouts, a few vendors, and I’d estimate easily 1000-2000 visitors. This year’s dates are March 3rd and 4th; more information can be had at our website:
Z5OR thanks for the sites i am sure they will help alot. i plan to be out for next train show in nov.