In one part of my developing layout, I am planning a fairly accurate re-creation of a specific mine in White City, Illinois. I have several old photos of the mine as well as photos that I have taken myself of the remaining structures that are still standing. My Wife’s grandfather was killed in a mining accident in this mine in the late 1930’s. Which is why I want to model it. Anyway, this means that I will be scratch building and or kit bashing to create the look of the buildings and structures. What I need, is a decent looking mine head gear. The huge wheels and cables at the top of the main structure. I have searched the Walthers catalog and can not find anything close. Anyone have any ideas about any small details manufacturer that might make mine equipment? The only kit I have seen that has a half decent mine head is one from Faller, but at over $50 for the kit it is a little pricy as the rest of the structure is completely wrong for what I want. Thanks for any suggestions.
Simon, you may have to scratch build as you mentioned. I’ve had to scratch build some machinery years ago and a good source for those gears, etc. is an old clock or pocket watch of the wind up kind. A good source for various size gears and wheels. They also make good “junk” for scrap yards and gondola loads. Best of luck, Ken
I assume when you searched the Walthers 2004 catalogue you looked on page 541at the Grandt Line Wentamuck Mine:
and rejected it. Have you done a Keyword search at the Index of Magazines ? You might want to look for citations from the Narrow Gauge and Short Line Gazette.
NMRA Life 0543
Bob and Ken, thanks for the feedback. The mine I am planning to reproduce was a good size structure (Several actually) and more like the Walthers New River Mine in scope. I picked one of these up cheap at a GATS and plan to use it as the basis of the main mine structure. The many western gold and metals mines that seen to be available from the like of Grandt line are too small. I have been fairly thorough in my search but wishful thinking led me to post the question in the hope that there may be a manufacturer I had not heard of. I think I will have to go with a suggestion like Ken’s to achieve what I am looking for. It should be a fun project, once I pluck up the courage to get started!
Thanks again
Simon1966, you don’t say whether it is a coal or gold mine? Probably not much difference in the head or colley (welsh), the operator was a collier. Some places to look for photos on the net would be mining areas such as Pennsylvania, Kentucky, West Virginia, etc. If you are out west there is a great state park restoration of the Empire Mine at Grass Valley or Nevada City, CA that has a huge head house. Good luck.
Grandt Line
has both 60" and 43" diameter cable sheaves listed on page 984 of the 2004 Walthers catalogue. Will these be of any use to you or are they too small ?
NMRA Life 0543
Thanks! I think that you might have nailed it. I missed these in the catalog. The 60" ones with some Plastruct sections will very likely serve the purpose. I will get some ordered and see how it goes.
Thanks again