Miniatronics Ditch light problem

Hi Guys ,I was hoping some one can shed some light on the problem im having with this after market intallation, in the instructions it say wire the red to one side of the motor then the black to the other side then it says after 3 volts of power it will work ,but in my case at FULL throtle y I cant shed any light on it ,it seems to work fine with no over heating at the bord ,i just cant seem to find out y its not woking at 3 volts like it says heres the modle # 100-220-01 much help thanks.

Carl ,


The description indicates it will light up any time there is 3 or move volts of track voltage.

  • Does the unit light up the ditch light as you apply track power?
  • This appears to be a DC installation, you are not wiring this to a DCC engine, are you?


No Jim Its Just DC Engine,And Yes They light up only at full thoddle though .


Most of the ‘diode packs’ I have built to power headlights are wired in ‘series’ with the motor. Maybe this unit has some special electronics and needs to be wired across the motor. Are there any circuit boards/electronics with the stock engine that might be interfering with the ditch light unit? P2K units many times have a light board wired in series with the motor for the constant lighting…
