Even Model Rail Roader omits minimum radii from some of its reviews.
Can anyone tell me what the minimum radius is for Rapido’s Comet passenger cars when coupled together? Rapido have responded with the minimum radius for just one car.
(I need the information for hidden sidings - not appearance and would like to avoid unnecessary expense -if they won’t work).
Don Lyons
Sudbury, Unted Kingdom
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I’ll give your post a bump, but I bet the best answer you get is to mock up curves to see what works. With some manufacturers, the advertised minimum radius is optimistic.
I’m not an n scale guy and while I might guess what I think Rapido means, I have no real world experience.
Thanks for showing an interest.
I am hoping that Model Railroader will respond and will include minimum radii in future reviews. For those of us with restricted space minimum radii in hidden sidings is a crucial factor when making a purchase and the absence of the information means ‘no purchase’. I, for one, would prefer less detail on the hidden underside of a n scale car if it means I can operate it rather than admire an excellent show case model